Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Baisakhi Cards

Baisakhi is also known as Vaisakhi. It is a most important day in Sikhism because this day is associated with the establishment of Khalsa and each year it is celebrated as the birthday of Khalsa. Baisakhi has significant importance for farmers also as is a harvesting time for the wheat crop. In Hindu religion, it is the beginning of hindu solar new year. Many people recognise Baisakhi as Punjabi New Year.
Vaisakhi is important not only for sikhs but also for farmers as well as hindu people. For the convenience of our viewers, we have added baisakhi wallpapers and cards for free access to send them online to their friends, families and relatives.

1 comment:

  1. http://bp3.blogger.com/_RAWfEElDoRg/SEjwJt07KKI/AAAAAAAAAnI/rvriqJqL35s/s1600-h/happy-vaisakhi.gif


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